The IWG is committed to being a leading advocate for women and girls.
In its Strategic Plan 2018 – 2022, the IWG has pledged to be the voice that:
- Leads positive conversations around gender equity in sport and physical activity
- Advocates increased attention, coverage and investment into women/girls sport
- Showcases and celebrates success of women/girls in sport and physical activity
- Encourages positive gender portrayal in media, social and communications
- Amplifies the messaging through all available communication platforms
- Supports and empowers ambassadors
Here are some examples of the advocacy work currently being undertaken by the IWG:
Leadership from Lockdown
A video leadership series, exploring the challenges and opportunities of ‘Leadership from Lockdown’!
Insight Bites
Take a look at our video series Insight Bites – bite sized insights from leaders worldwide as sport and recreation recovers from COVID-19.
Media Activity
The IWG Global Executive, IWG Secretary General and other members of the network often get asked to take part in media activity.
Speaking Engagements
The IWG often advocates around the major issues affecting women and girls in sport and physical activity through speaking engagements.