Welcome to the IWG Newsletter!
The IWG is the world’s largest network of individuals and organisations seeking to advance gender equality in sport, physical activity and physical education.
We were founded 30 years ago to connect networks, organisations and individuals around the globe to share knowledge and encourage collaboration in pursuit of our vision of sport contributing to a world where all women and girls can thrive.
This newsletter is an important addition to our existing website, insight hub and social media channels through which we will highlight important news, Insight Hub updates and updates from around the networks.
The content will be driven by you, and we would love to hear from you if you have interesting research, case studies or upcoming events to share, themes you think would be of particular interest or any thoughts on what we can include in this newsletter that could be of use to others.
Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy reading this Newsletter.
Lisa O’Keefe, Secretary General, IWG Women and Sport