Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration

Three photos in a collage. Two are of two people signing the Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration and smiling at the camera, and the photo in the middle is a detail of a hand signing the Declaration

To be a true champion of equity for women and girls in sport and physical activity, is to endorse the Brighton plus Helsinki Declaration on Women and Sport.

Developed and established by the International Working Group (IWG) on Women and Sport in 1994, the Brighton Declaration is an international treaty that has become a road map to support the ongoing development of a more fair and equitable system of sport and physical activity, fully inclusive of women and girls.

It has been designed to complement all sporting, local, national and international charters, laws, codes, rules and regulations relating to equity in sport and physical activity, whilst also setting an even higher benchmark related to the full inclusion of women and girls in all aspects society.

In 2014, on the 20th anniversary of its original establishment, the Brighton Declaration was updated by the IWG to become the Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration, incorporating and reflecting major developments in international policy, while still holding true to the founding principles.

Today, nearly 600 global organisations are signatories to this treaty, including International Federations, National Governing Bodies, and organisations dedicated to sport and physical activity globally, nationally and regionally.

To become a signatory to the Declaration is to show a belief in, and commitment to developing a culture that enables and values the full involvement of women in every aspect of sport and physical activity. Those that endorse the Declaration commit to enabling women and girls to freely and safely participate, compete and build careers in sport and physical activity. 

Brighton plus Helsinki 2014 Declaration

Download the Treaty: Brighton plus Helsinki 2014 Declaration on Women and Sport

Interested in signing the Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration

IWG Women and Sport welcomes organisations large and small who are interested in joining the IWG Global Network, and in becoming a signatory of the Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration. Please visit our guide to becoming a signatory

The Principles of the Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration

There are 10 principles at the heart of the Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration, covering all elements of sport and physical activity from participation to leadership and from governance to visibility.

Declaration Signatories demonstrate that they are committed to these principles, as applicable to their organisation, through the development of strategies, activities and programmes that support women and girls.

  1. Equity and Equality in Society and Sport 
  2. Facilities
  3. School and Youth Sport 
  4. Developing Participation 
  5. High Performance Sport 
  6. Leadership in Sport 
  7. Education, Training and Development 
  8. Sport Information and Research 
  9. Resources 
  10. Domestic and International Cooperation

Current Signatories

Nearly 600 organisations from around the world have endorsed the Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration. These include global organisations, International Federations, National Sports Governing Bodies and other entities.

IWG Women and Sport welcomes interest from any organisation that is interested in becoming a signatory.


Find out how to endorse and use this global treaty


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Taking place in Birmingham, UK, from 9-11 July 2026